How can I ignore onclicked?

I need to ignore any click by Cursor, when Cursor showing up.

For example. Widget Button can be clicked, cause it has 5 events: OnCklicked. OnPressed, On Released, On Hovered and Ov Unhovered

But I need only On Hovered and OnUnhovered for my game. Event “Onclicked” also can block My custom button in IMC (I mean, if in your mapping you already have LCM - Onclicked will ignore it)

Or, another. My UI opening only if I hold TAB. UI has a button and Cursor and changing IMC. If I will rage click, in one moment I will block my UI. I found also, that i can bind event “click” different buttons (and it will works wothout previous bug). But for some reason I still can’t unbind left mouse.

So, I thought, If I can in Player Controller somehow ignore or LCM or just ignore any event Click - it will be perfecto for me =)

Native buttons will consume input hungrily - avoid using them for evoking un-buttonlike behaviours. Instead, make a new user widget that represent a “button” - a simple border will do. Override the states you need - OnMouseEnter / Leave.

You can also control input propagation / bubbling by passing Handled / Unhandled.

As a bonus, you will now be able to customize all buttons easily, rather than hunt down 12 buttons in 6 submenus and adjust each every time you need something updated. At which point inheritance becomes possible…


(post deleted by author)