How can I ignore/configure logs in Functional Tests?

I am writing tests to ensure that my C++ plugin code correctly handles erroneous situations. My tests are executing as expected, and my “Finish Test” node is being called with a Test Result of Success. However, the Session Frontend is showing red and reporting fail due to logging from libcurl.

My plugin produces Async Blueprint function nodes which are essentially just HTTP calls. On completion, I then call a delegate for either HTTP 200 (OnResponse) or any other HTTP code (OnError). In this specific example, I deliberately pass a non existent url into my FHttpRequestRef. I want to test that my plugin corectly handles such a situation (which it does).

Due to the error logging in libcurl, my test is failing while I am testing for known errors and how my code handles them. How can I configure functional tests to handle known errors in the logs?

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Did you manage to solve this? Having the same issue.