How can I ignore a widget?

Hi! How can I ignore a widget while the mouse cursor is on?
I have a “keypad” system where I need to click on the buttons but because of the widget I can’t do that…



Widgets can be clicked through by default unless you add something that blocks the click. Any widget element’s visibility can be adjusted, you could set the root of the widget to:


Things get a tad more complex when you use a component:


But that’s not the issue here, right?

Hi! How can I ignore a widget while the mouse cursor is on?Preformatted text

You can actually have the cake and eat it, too. Pass Unhanded for both Mouse Down/Up (up can be tricky if there was no mouse down, though) and Mouse Move. This way the widget will not consume input.

The first part doesn’t work and I don’t understand the second…

Couldn’t I disable the widget without being clicked? Like invisible for click event.

What do you mean? A widget whose root’s visibility is set to NHT (self and children) cannot be interacted with and will not intercept mouse input. You have two widgets there? More? Did you set it for all of them? Are you setting the right thing? Any more info?

You could use:

To see what is really blocking what.

Like invisible for click event.

That’s precisely what I suggested does. Called NHT - Not Hit-Testable.

I don’t understand the second

You have a widget component there, right? I thought it might be interfering somehow. I can only see what you’re showing. It may be irrelevant.

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Good! Sorry for the misunderstanding! I issued a widget and that’s why it doesn’t work:))
It works perfectly! Thank you very much for your help and time!

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