How can I have one animation partially override another?

Seems like it should be basic, but I can’t figure it out.
I have an animation for closing my character’s right hand.
This animation only has key frames for the bones on his right hand.
I wrote some code to detect if an object is attached to my character’s right hand.
If it is I want to play the hand closing animation.
This needs to only effect the right hand.
Everything else should proceed like normal (e.g. he should still be playing the run animation just with his right hand closed).

How can I do this with my animation blueprint?



Is this even possible? I don’t understand. It seems like such a basic and useful tool. I don’t know why I can’t find it.

Am I supposed to create a new animation for every possible situation? For example, with what I want I'd be able to make one swing animation for both walking and swinging (a sword) and running and swinging. If I can't do this I'd have to make a separate animation for each. What if I want to make variants for running with a sword and shield instead of running empty handed. I should be able to layer an animation that just effects the upper body, but I can't see how. 

The alternative would be making new animations for all of this. I know I can use certain tools to combine animations, but it would be so much easier to do it dynamically instead of putting so many different animations into the animation blueprint.

Please help. If this isn’t possible any advice on doing something similar would be appreciated.

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Bump, really need help on this. I tired an additive blend which worked alright, but I could only apply it partial way because the other animations already have slightly closed hands. Plus, this won’t work for the other examples I mentioned in the edit. I really need an override, but only override the bones that have key frames in the overriding animation.

Should be able to do this with a layer blend per bone.

How to set it up.

About 5 minuets in is what your looking for.

Just set your bone to your right hand bone and your hand should open and close as a layer as to whats coming in as the base pose.

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Yes! That worked! As you can see I was rather frustrated, but this solves all the problems. I can see the potential in this blend. I saw it before, but I didn’t know how to use it. I should’ve looked it up in the documentation, but for some reason I thought it did something else. I’m surprised a tutorial on this didn’t show in my google searches that went something like “layer animations in ue4,” but anyway thanks to you and this tutorial I now have my answer.


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Been there done th… well still doing it :smiley:

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