Hey all, got a couple questions related to changing meshes that I’m really hoping ya’ll can help me out with. For some context, to get myself started with UE, I’m creating a hide and seek/herd em up game 3D game to understand the basics of stuff like AI behavior and creating environments. I’m using chibi characters from DDLC and have created a bunch of different meshes and textures that I’ve imported into my project. To make the game feel alive, every 90s or so, I want one of the pawns to randomly switch to either a sitting, standing or sleeping (if night) mesh/texture, something that’s probably better understood visually through this quick flowchart I’ve made.
Or for example, let’s say that after 90s, one of the pawns chooses this default standing mesh/texture. And then 90s after that, it randomly selects this playing mesh/texture. The two questions I really have are this:
How would I even go about having the pawns switch to a new mesh/texture every 90s at random?
Is there a way for the randomness to be “smart”? For example, if two of the chibi pawns wander close by, they’ll go to each other and instantly switch to their talking mesh/texture. Or if it’s nighttime in-game, the pawns will only choose between their sleeping mesh/textures, and not their standing/sitting ones to simulate them being asleep.
I know that this all involves the behavior tree/blackboards, but I can’t seem to find any information about pawns switching to random meshes and textures, or for that randomness to be “smart” like I listed above. I really appreciate you guys helping me out here, I’ve been tinkering with my project for days now trying to find a solution and it’s a little frustrating. Thanks so much!