I currently have a line trace setup in mycharacter blueprint, but now i need another line trace system for a different blueprint that uses the same camera as the one mycharacter uses. After connecting everything up, only one is actually working and they won’t both work simultaneously .
Would you be able to post images of your setup so that we may take a look?
Sorry i’m having trouble linking the images so here are the actual links,
My Mychar blueprint = http://i.imgur.com/QNe3OI8.jpg
My MainMenu blueprint = http://i.imgur.com/glKHpK7.jpg
i need them both to work simultaneously
Hmm… I’ve taken a look at your Blueprints and they appear to be in order. On one of the trace events, I dropped the end location on the Z by 50 to ensure that they both were firing, and I was seeing both debug lines firing at the same time.
Do you see this if you try that - wondering if they are both running but since they are in the same location you aren’t seeing the second debug line. And you are running these in a Character and HUD Blueprint (I’m assuming as I did the same without an issue).
I am not actually using the HUD blueprint for my main menu, its simply a regular actor blueprint, i did this because my main menu is actually projected onto a whiteboard model at the back of the room and im using decals for the text and setting visibility ect when needed to switch menus. I did what you recommended about reducing the end location in the Z axis but i am still only seeing one line.
I should also mention that disabling the mainmenu line trace makes the mychar one work again.
Interesting. I created a dummy actor with the second trace event in it and dropped it in my level, while my character Blueprint had the other trace event based off mouse button and here’s what I got (the top line being the trace from the actor and the bottom line the trace when mouse clicking):
Forgive me for asking, but your main menu actor Blueprint, is it stored in the level somewhere and what’s firing it, as a test I did it like this and it seemed to be working for me:
I have just left mouse button pressed firing it, same for the my character one.
Hmm, that might be why you’re not experiencing it as you have one firing on tick and one from clicking, both of mine are firing on click, and if they are both firing at the same time, only one must be getting let through… how would i fix that?
Ah, yeah… that would be it, the conflict of using the input in two places.
You could use a Branch on one of them and a Condition on the other… something like:
This seemed to work for me for holding Left Mouse Button and firing both trace events.
That Done the trick, thanks for all the effort you put into helping, really appreciate it.