How can I go about creating a large "Map" Lets say like EQ classic size, Just Antonica alone?

Ok, so I am using UE5 and I want to create a “Map” that is (Like the subject says) The size of EQ classic Antonica landscape. Are maps this large typically made in sections and linked together, or is it one landmass? It is unbelievably difficult to find anything on how Large worlds Such as EQ, WoW, etc are made, or maybe I am asking the question wrong… Are they procedural, are they separate map pieces stitched together? How did original EQ do the Zoning aspect of the map, yet make it look as though it was seamless (Other than the zoning part)? Wow seems to be one huge open world with no zoning …cept for going from continent to continent. If anyone knows an in depth video for this I would greatly appreciate being pointed in that direction.

For EQ classic, judging based on the visible UV stretching that occurs in mountainy areas, plus the lack of overhangs, id guess they generated the base terrain layer using a heightmap for each zone, an old and classic technique

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