How can I get values stored in a class in Blueprints?

I want to access some Interger value (and maybe others) that is stored within a Class. But when i can only find a node to “get that int value” from a reference of that class. but i do not actually have an instance of it yet.

I assume you mean accessing default values of variables, like name or default stats of things. There no way to do that in blueprint as i know, but it’s possible to access default variables of class in C++ by calling GetDefaultObject() from UClass* of specific class. You can try to expose it from C++ to Blueprint by making this static function:


class UMyNodes : public UObject

        UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="My Nodes")
        static UObject* GetDefaultObject(UClass* ObjectClass);


 UObject* UMyNodes::GetDefaultObject(UClass* ObjectClass)
     return ObjectClass->GetDefaultObject();

This will output object refrence with default varables in it without spawning a object.

But accessing those with just class refrence would be cool too, post a suggetion on feedback forum :slight_smile:

Hey, thank you for the answer:)

Though i just started using ue4 (~1week by now) and i did not have any contact with C++ yet at all. This leads to me having no clue about how to implement a C++ function into BP. I have been actively searching google, unrealwiki and this answerhub, but i did not find anything that helps me.

I tried to make the code you posted above work by:
->Adding Code to Project
→ Blueprint Function Library
→ name it “MakeObjectReference”
→ copy paste the code above.

now i have no idea what to do next so i can see the function in my BP’s. Last time i have tried to make something work in C++ in Visual Studio for my UE Project it messed up the whole project and i wasnt able to open it anymore:(.

Maybe i am missing something?

(does that function above make a node like following? :
input custom Object Class → output custom object instance reference with default values?)

Did you compiled the code?

when i try to it shows me a dozen of complie errors

Ok copy paste the code and errors, maybe use so this page won’t turn in to mess