How can I get the x y coordinates of all solid objects for external plotting purposes?

Like the title described, I want to get the x y coordinates of all immovable objects in the environment. The sole purpose is so I can plot those x y coordinates in other applications.

I created an extended version of the First Person Template (shown below). I added some random obstacles and walls.

The closest thing I can find that resembles what I want is from the Top view Wireframe mode.

Right now, I am manually getting what I want by logging the x y coordinates of my actor and walked around the boundary of the environment. There are some info missing with this method like the objects in the middle.

Clearly this manual method is not feasible when the environment is scaled up. Is there a better way to do this?

  1. Select all solid objects, 2. Copy Ctrl+C 3. Paste in any TextEditor and parse this content.