I have created an editabletextbox (EditNum1) but I can’t seem to get the text from the textbox using OnTextChanged or OnTextCommited. Instead, I have added this code to a OnClicked listener but I am not getting any text from the EditableTextBox. Any C++ examples would be great;y appreciated.
userValue = EditNum1->GetText().ToString();
int32 NewInt = FCString::Atoi(*userValue);
sum = NewInt;
Thanks RecourseDesign. I am new to c++, and want to create a calculator. Do you have this project on GitHub so that I can have a look?
I keep getting an error that I need to create a namespace or class
This is what I have so far: #include “RndWidget.h” #include <Components/Button.h> #include <Components/TextBlock.h> #include <Components/EditableTextBox.h> #include
using namespace std;
int SUM = 0;
FString userValue;
int RANDOM_NUM1 = FMath::RandRange(5, 15);
int RANDOM_NUM2 = FMath::RandRange(5, 15);
int RANDOM_NUM3 = FMath::RandRange(5, 15);
The code I pasted uses a slightly different approach (built by the UI system). I copy/pasted that out of a plugin I sell so can’t really publish the code here (rdLODtools and has the source included if you already own it).
I think you’re “EditNum1->OnTextChanged.AddUniqueDynamic” is along the correct lines - what error does that produce?
Did you try “AddDynamic()” rather than AddUniqueDynamic()?
Thanks, I tried both but no luck. I really thought this was going to be straight forward hahaha:
I get this error for both AddUnique and AddDynamic
C++ no instance of function template matches the argument list argument types are: (URndWidget , void (URndWidget::)(), FName) object type is: UEditableTextBox::FOnEditableTextBoxCommittedEvent
int SUM = 0;
FString userValue;
int RANDOM_NUM1 = FMath::RandRange(5, 15);
int RANDOM_NUM2 = FMath::RandRange(5, 15);
int RANDOM_NUM3 = FMath::RandRange(5, 15);
This post was very useful to me and I managed to create a text box and get text from it purely in C++ (4.27). I thought some people might want an example because it was actually really tricky to find any info about this online.
The text box is invisible because I have my own text box solution that I feed with the characters gotten from the widget. This is great because I can get characters generated by the platform, keyboard settings and everything, with no work on my side. I haven’t explored what it would take to make the text box visible or usable in the game.
Anyway, here’s a code example:
// H file content
#include "Widgets/Input/SEditableTextBox.h"
TSharedPtr<SEditableTextBox> m_textBox;
FReply OnKeyCharHandler(const FGeometry& geo, const FCharacterEvent& charEvent);
FReply OnKeyDownHandler(const FGeometry& geo, const FKeyEvent& keyEvent);
// CPP content, put this literally anywhere.
// Creates the text box with some settings.
m_textBox = SNew(SEditableTextBox)
// Add handlers to catch the characters and even some FKeys(not the mouse ones).
// Use CreateRaw if not in UObject code.
m_textBox->SetOnKeyCharHandler(FOnKeyChar::CreateUObject(this, &AMyUObjectClass::OnKeyCharHandler));
m_textBox->SetOnKeyDownHandler(FOnKeyDown::CreateUObject(this, &AMyUObjectClass::OnKeyDownHandler));
// This gets whatever widget has the focus and puts the text box under it so it actually works.
// I haven't added any widgets to my project, so I expect this to work on any project.
TSharedPtr<SWidget> focusedSlateWidget = FSlateApplication::Get().GetUserFocusedWidget(0);
// Call this to start typing. All non-mouse inputs will be directed to the text box instead of your game.
FSlateApplication::Get().SetUserFocus(0, m_textBox, EFocusCause::SetDirectly);
FReply AMyUObjectClass::OnKeyCharHandler(const FGeometry& geo, const FCharacterEvent& charEvent)
TCHAR ch = charEvent.GetCharacter();
if(ch == L'a')
// Do something if the character is lowercase a.
// I always return Handled because I don't want the tex box to actually have anything in it.
// If you want the text box to actually receive characters, return Unhandled.
// __You could also get the text from your text box at any time by simply calling GetText() on m_textBox.__
return FReply::Handled();
FReply AMyUObjectClass::OnKeyDownHandler(const FGeometry& geo, const FKeyEvent& keyEvent)
FKey key = keyEvent.GetKey();
if (key == EKeys::Enter)
// Do whatever logic you need to do when Enter is pressed.
// Release the focus from the textbox and put it back on the window(very important).
else if (key == EKeys::Escape)
// Do whatever logic you need to do when Escape is pressed.
// Release the focus from the textbox and put it back on the window(very important).
// I always return Handled because I don't want the tex box to actually receive key events.
// If you want the text box to actually receive the key events and commit or revert the text entered, return Unhandled.
return FReply::Handled();