How can I get the projectile to throw from crosshair?

Hello, I’ve gotten my knife to be able to throw and recall. However I have an issue where the throw placement is inconsistent and inaccurate. I’ve only seen answers for bullets and not a throwable. How can I get the projectile to go from the crosshair every time?? I’ve attached a video and BP screenshot so you can see from my end what’s going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Why is there an X offset of 100 here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
That’s why you get this result.

You have the correct idea it’s just that these coordinates are in world space meaning that the +100X offset will move the knife 100 units to the X of the world.

You probably need something like this:

Perhaps you wanted to make the knife fly from your hand to the point where the crosshair hits, then you need to use the LineTrace function. If this is not the case and you wanted it to fly strictly in a straight line when leaving the stone, then simply remove the addition of the camera position to the constant. I cant understand what effect you want to achieve…

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