How can i get PS5 SDK 8.000 Working with UE5 Source?

Our team is currently setting up our PS5 UE Development stuff, but we are having a few problems getting UE to detect it properly.

we are using the current master branch of UE5, and we are also using PS5 SDK 8.000.
UE States that the allowed version are to, But we already have SDK 7, and 8 installed on our systems.

Is there anything we would need to change or do on Unreal’s Side to fix this issue?


Fixed this issue a while ago, but if anyone needs to see this, the way to fix it is to Edit max version in PS5PlatformSDK.Versions.cs Under UBT.

protected override void GetValidSoftwareVersionRange(out string MinVersion, out string? MaxVersion)
	MinVersion = "";
        /// For example, i wanted to allow support for SDK 8, so i set the max version to This value by default is null.
	MaxVersion = "";

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