How can i get mouse world position if i have my camara rotate?

im trying to make a RTS and i can move my camara if the mouse is near of edge of the screen but this movement give problem and also the rotation that i have in my camara give problem

Any ideas how can i solve this? :frowning:

You’d have to describe the problems first. We can’t read minds :frowning:

How can i get mouse world position if
i have my camara rotate?

You can project mouse coordinates into the world. Or you could pick object at cursor location (ground, let’s say), this will give you world location of where you clicked.

But you’ll need to be more descriptive first.

Sorry about my description

Well my problem is when i use ConverMouseLocationToWorld this give me wrong coordenates and im thinking is a problem because i have my camera rotate because i want a isometric view in the game,

i dont know if i describe well my problem

Have you tried this:

I still do not know what you are trying to do? Click on the ground, click on a unit? Your are converting mouse location, are you trying to place something in the world using UI?

Woooo that works !

Im trying to select a unit

But i think my first step is to know my mouse click location in the world, later see if there is an object in that position

or there is another way to do it?

Give your actors tags, FriendlyUnit, EnemyUnit, FriendlyBuilding, Ground and so on, at the very bottom:


When you HitBreakResult, pull a wire from HitActor (this is the actor that you clicked, either the ground mesh or the unit) and search for ActorHasTag. Compare it to tags you created and you can branch the execution this way.

Something like this: