I want to log it out on screen for debug.
Are you asking about the Steam AppId ? If so you must get that from steam. Contact steam ask for the appid for your game.
IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSubsystem = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
if (OnlineSubsystem)
IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInterface = OnlineSubsystem->GetSessionInterface();
if (SessionInterface.IsValid())
FNamedOnlineSession* NamedSession = SessionInterface->GetNamedSession(YOUR_SESSION_NAME);
if (NamedSession)
FString SessionId = NamedSession->GetSessionIdStr();
I think Człowiek was referring to a different LobbyID. I’m having the same question.
For me GetSessionIdStr() returns string similar to this one: “109775242450265778
But in logs, Steam OSS returns LobbyIds formatted like this: LobbyId=Lobby[0x18600005B054F1C]
Is that just a matter of converting it from HEX to DEC? Or is LobbyId different from SessionId?