Right now I have a character set up with an idle “aiming” animation, and he is holding a gun and “aiming”. I use a set actor rotation node to have him look at a pawn that he senses, however, he’s not really aiming, just looking at the pawn. How can I set it up so that he rotates in a way that his gun is actually pointed at the player and so it doesn’t appear like he’s just looking at the player? I have it set up so that when the AI sees a player he looks at the player and then shoots his gun, which is spawning a projectile actor that moves out of the muzzle of the gun. My problem is that since the AI pawn rotation functionality is actually, in practice, not determining where the gun is pointed but just where the AI pawn is looking, the gun is not aligned to aim at the player and the subsequent projectile won’t actually move to the player and hit him. I’m given to understand that aim offset is a little similar to what I’m looking for but I’m not sure whether that works outside of a player-controlled character as this is in the context of an AI-controlled character.