How can i get all registered MountPoints?

I am using:

FPackageName::RegisterMountPoint(RootPath, ContentPath);
FPackageName::UnRegisterMountPoint(RootPath, ContentPath);

But i can’t find a iterator function of all registered MountPoints.

I use this to dump mount points in shipping build.

void DebugVirtualPaths()
	TArray<FString> Output;

	TArray<FString> RootPaths;
	for (const auto& RootPath : RootPaths)
		FString ContentPath;
		FPackageName::TryConvertLongPackageNameToFilename(RootPath, ContentPath);
		Output.Emplace(FString::Printf(TEXT("RootPath: %s    -->    %s"), *RootPath, *ContentPath));

	FFileHelper::SaveStringArrayToFile(Output, *FPaths::Combine(FPaths::ProjectDir(), TEXT("paths.log")));
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As always, great help @Chatouille. :vulcan_salute:

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