I’m developing custom game plugin with Xcode. It runs on editor, but doesn’t run on iOS device.
Followings are what I have done:
- Copy BlankPlugin and changed name and contents to MyBlankPlugin.
- Add log to StartupModule.
- Make a dummy C++ FPS project (DummyGame) and build Editor.
- Create a Plugins directory and put my plugin into it.
- Enable plugin.
- Add following statement to DummyGame.Target.cs : AdditionalPlugins.AddRange(new string[] { “MyBlankPlugin” }); to build plugin for IOS. “MyBlankPlugin/Binaries/IOS/MyBlankPlugin-Static.a” is built.
Finally I can see startup log of MyBlankPlugin on Editor.
But when I launch DummyGame on my iOS Device, plugin doesn’t start at all.
Please let me know what I missed or how I can fix it. Current engine ver. is 4.1.0.
Thanks in advance
[EDIT] I set my uplugin file like this:
{ “Name” : “MyBlankPlugin”, “Type” : “Runtime”,“LoadingPhase” : “PreDefault” }