How can I generate code project files without the command prompt?

how i can generate code project files without command prompt cmd?
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Hi malikcgcs,

To generate visual studio files, right-click on your .uproject file in Windows Explorer and choose Generate Visual Studio project files

I hope this helps.

this is not woke

do you have this option when you right click on the .uproject file

yes ,i have.

ok i don’t have that option :(, but to work round you can open the project in the editor then choose “add code file” just add a code file and it will generate the rest. then you can compile your project.

i expect part of the problem maybe you don’t have administrator rights on your computer

i don’t have administrator rights on my computer . what can i do?

have you tried the work around via the editor.

to get admin rights you have to set that via windows, or ask who ever installed your user account on your computer