How can I fulfill smartphone screen?

Hey Guys!

I’m creating a mobile game, but, when I run it in my smartphone there are these black borders all around.

Can anyone tell me what’s that? How can I take the borders and also the downside menu?

My SplashScreen seems to be ok.

I am not sure but I have seen this when developing games using Corona. It is on purpose and called “letterbox”, which is a way to make the aspect ratio of your game’s chosen resolution fit a screen with a different aspect ratio.
The two other ways are to stretch or squash the picture to fit the screen, or to allow the game screen to extend offscreen (which is usually bad because then there are areas the player should be seeing but they can’t).

To fix this in Unreal, you may need to detect the device’s supported resolutions and then change to one of them as the game starts. I’m not sure the best way, but to do it this way, you can use the Blueprint node Get Game Settings and use the resolution-related nodes within that object, and then use the Apply Settings node from the same object.

Hey Mightyenigma! Thanks for the help.

It didn’t work though. I’ve put my aspect ratio in 0.6 to fulfill the borders but I can’t gert rid of the menu. The fullscreen nodes do nothing with the game.

Is there anything else I can do?


Did you do this in your Blueprints with Game Settings and Apply Settings nodes, or just only changed your Project Settings or your UMG widgets?

I’ve tried using the settings nodes, but none of the fullscreen nodes I found worked. Even the node “Execute console command”.

Then I just changed the aspect ratio of my camera that is attached to the character. I don’t really know how I can override the menu. :confused:

Did you try the Allowed(?) Fullscreen Resolutions node on the Game Settings object?