I retargeted these animations from mixamo using the mixamo converter, I’m having an issue where my character seems to slide up on the Z axis depending on the animation playing. Like the position seems totally off but the root bone seems to be in the same place? How can I fix this so the character doesn’t slide up between animations? https://youtu.be/DbN-IrtqUNE
Not sure but since you mentioned the issue is about the root bone, it might be due to the model you retargeted the animations from not having a root bone like most mixamo models. Could you try retargeting the animations inside Unreal?
So I downloaded a character from mixamo so I would have something inside UE to retarget from and redownloaded the anims using that skeleton. Used a different mixamo tool that I downloaded as a blender addon in order to add the root to the new skeleton and the animations. Retargeted (some of) the animations using 5.4’s retargeting to test. It seems to have fixed the issue. I don’t completely understand it but I guess the root bone got messed up along the way somewhere.
I was hoping for a simpler fix but oh well lol