Hello!, I’m using UE4, version is 4.27.
i’m decorating the world using 16 heightmaps with world composition.
and the world’s size is 4033x4033.
i’ve procedurally generated grass on a specific layer using landscape grass tool.
However, when placing a thin staticmesh on the ground, the grass through it.
In an attempt to solve the issue, i was search and applying Runtime Virtual Texture(RVT).
after conducting some tests, it seemed to work quite well with smaller world size.
however, when using world composition, it appears that some adjustment needed.
Unfortunately, i lack the necessary knowledge in this area, and i’m unsure about what modifications are required.
it would be appreciated if you could help me. i would be truly grateful and happy.
Here is a picture
This is a my landscape material
the boundray between the grass and rock looks weired.
this is the unplugged version.
it’s not working. so, i think the first approach is correct.
This is a my grass material. that pin connected to the world position offset.
This is a rock material.
What should i fix?
i’m not sure… i’d appreciate any keywords or guidance. Thankyou!!