So i have this 2D game and i start to the left and i have to get to the right (enter - finish) and when i jump my camera and also my view jumps too and i want the camera to be fixed in the middle of the screen when i jump. Can i do anything about this?
Hi Labrador23,
Unreal Engine has provided a series of examples where you can learn how to get things done right. One of them is called Platformer Game which I think has everything you need. You can get it in Epic Games Launcher, under Unreal Engine - Learn tab then navigate to Games Category.
yes, it sounds like your camera is a component, child or somehow connected to your player actor… so when your player moves and jumps, so does (which seems undesirable in your case)
I think what you are looking for is a separate camera, that frames your level. For this, I’d use a CameraActor and place it in your scene. Then I’d bring a reference to it into your Level Blueprint, and use Set View Target With Blend to ensure that this is the camera that UE4 uses. You’ll find tutorials on this kind of thing on google…
And its bad because i post a question about that here or something like this?.. Thank you for help.
I didnt know that. Thank you.
its absolutely fine to ask for help here… this is what we do
but also definitely make it habit to google and youtube first… often the answers can be found there without having to ask
I didnt know how to explain my problem properlly and i thought i can find my answer faster here