How can I fix "Accessed None trying to read property"

Hello, I’ve been having trouble with the “Accessed none trying to read property” error message.
Images of code below.

Essentially I am trying to use line tracing to highlight objects that can be interacted with, and when running it works as I want it to perfectly fine. When I finish simulation however, I get this error code:

I think my understanding is that it’s because a variable is blank (“CurrentTarget”, and Unreal is trying to read something with no value. Advice I’ve read said to try using the validate, but I tried it and it won’t highlight objects anymore if I do.

This node below is the issue.

Does anyone have any suggestions or other methods I could try?

try this :face_in_clouds:

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It works! Don’t know why I didn’t think of using another function, think by the end of Friday my brain was mush haha. Thank you so much.