I’m getting the following error. Is there any way I can find out what K2Node_CallFunction_5145 is without going through every node by hand?
LogOutputDevice:Error: Ensure condition failed: pContextTerm != nullptr [File:D:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\CallFunctionHandler.cpp] [Line: 384]
LogOutputDevice:Error: '/Game/MMO/Blueprints/MMOCharacter.MMOCharacter:ExecuteUbergraph_MMOCharacter.K2Node_CallFunction_5145' is missing a target input - if this is a server build, the input may be a cosmetic only property which was discarded (if this is the case, and this is expecting component variable try resaving.)
Compiling the individual file works fine, but I get this error both on opening the project and when trying to build.