Using Github for source control, I have a conflict with a specific uasset file. I only have the cryptic “uasset” file name as a reference (D:\Github\Manhattan\Content_ExternalActors_\Maps\Manhattan_1660\8\J1\6KEQKAA04N6RNWEE7FPKP9.uasset) so I don’t know what it is. Can I open UE5.3 and find that asset by name? I tried searching the Content folder, but no luck…
Answering my own question: it looks like going to tools/view changes will bring up a list of all objects in the level, which you can then search by file name. Sadly for me, this particular actor is “unknown”!
For future reference, you can also search in the outline by the “cryptic” name (ie, in this case “6KEQKAA04N6RNWEE7FPKP9”) and it will find the object