I’m trying to create a 3D mesh of a pillow, but have a big hole in the bottom. Unfortunately, because the pillow is soft and changes shape when I flip it over, RC won’t align the images, so I can’t get the bottom in this way.
So I’m hoping to recreate the bottom somehow. What I’d first like to do is patch up the hole that’s in the bottom. I was able to fill the hole, but I’d like it to have the same type of geometry as the rest of the pillow.
How can I tell RC to add more geometry when it fills the whole?
I could do it in Blender, but when I Remesh it, I loose the texture and can’t reapply it.
I would recommend using a different shooting method if it is possible. Maybe hang the pillow, or something similar to just to be able to get all sides.
In RealityCapture there is a tool Close holes, but this can work only with smaller holes. And there is not tool which can increase the number of triangles in a certain area.
You can however import it the model back into RealityCapture and use Texture Reprojection to reproject to texture you want on the edited model from the model with the correct texture.
You can use Zbrush’s Dynamesh. This will automatically close any holes and create a uniform topology.
I often use GOM Inspect. This free tool let’s you fill holes using various “follow curvature” settings which can mimic the missing shape of the pillow.
If you want it to have similar geometry to the surrounding areas you can also use Blender’s dynamic topology to “fake” it.