How can i expose my animation to verse and use it on my NPC Behavior?

i’m looking at the new NPC Device documentation and i can’t understand how can i exposed my animations to verse assets file, lookin at the file reflection documentation, i see this:
"Currently, you can expose the following types of assets to Verse:

  • Meshes
  • Textures
  • Materials"

so we can’t exposed animations to verse? but how we can use custom animations with NPC Device?

i have no experience with the device but i guess you would add an editable to get the spawner then grab the agent from the spawned event to call the functions of the npc_character_asset

MyNPCSpawner : npc_spawner_device = npc_spawner_device{}

OnBegin<override>()<suspends>: void=


OnNPCSpawned (Agent:agent):void=

## do stuff to enable animations like grab the npc character asset and
## use that to call your animations


Take a look at the Assets.digest.verse file, it will show any animation assets in your project that are available to use.

You can then use`them like so:

if(Anim := Character.GetPlayAnimationController[]):