How can I export the UE5 to a web compatible build (HTML5)

We need to build our UE5 project to a web platform. I searched a lot and only found a GitHub repo belonging to the UE.
Documentation/ at master · UnrealEngineHTML5/Documentation (
I followed the instructions that exist in the repo. But I faced some problems with three not found third-party dependencies.

error: Engine/Source/Runtime/ImageWrapper/Private/Formats/PngImageWrapper.cpp: No such file or directory
error: Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/SystemTextures.cpp: No such file or directory
error: Engine/Source/Runtime/SlateCore/Private/Styling/CoreStyle.cpp: No such file or directory

What should I do?
And is the version built with the above guide suitable for the web and are the instructions compatible with the UE5?

There is only the github UE fork of the html capable
I am not sure if it is for 5 I think it might be for 4.27
Otherwise the last version of UE to support html 5 is 4.25
or there is the gltf export

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