How can I ensure that GameState is available for clients?

I am trying to make a UI widget that allows the clients in a multiplayer game to see changes in AGameState (for learning purposes.) Below is a minimal example of my widget UMatchState, which inherits from UUserWidget. The widget is constructed in APlayerController::OnPossess, but it seems that the GameState is a nullptr at this point and so the delegate is never bound to. Where should I create the widget to ensure that the GameState exists on the client?

void UMatchState::NativeConstruct()

	// Bind delegates
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	if (World)
		AGameStateBase* GameState = World->GetGameState();
		AGameState_Core* GameStateCore = Cast<AGameState_Core>(GameState);
		if (GameStateCore)
			GameStateCore->OnMatchStateChangeDelegate.BindUObject(this, &UMatchState::HandleMatchStateChange);
	if (MatchStateText)

void UMatchState::HandleMatchStateChange()
	if (MatchStateText)
		MatchStateText->SetText(FText::FromString(TEXT("MatchStateChange called")));

I actually have figured this out and it can be handled elegantly with the delegate UWorld::GameStateSetEvent which is called when the game state is set in the world:

In summary, the client is guaranteed to have access to the game state once GameStateSetEvent is executed.

void UMatchState::NativeConstruct()

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	World->GameStateSetEvent.AddUObject(this, &UMatchState::HandleGameStateSet);

	if (MatchStateText)

void UMatchState::HandleMatchStateChange()
	if (MatchStateText)
		MatchStateText->SetText(FText::FromString(TEXT("MatchStateChange called")));

void UMatchState::HandleGameStateSet(AGameStateBase* GameStateBase)
	// Bind delegates
	AGameState_Core* GameStateCore = Cast<AGameState_Core>(GameStateBase);
	if (GameStateCore)
		GameStateCore->OnMatchStateChangeDelegate.BindUObject(this, &UMatchState::HandleMatchStateChange);

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