September 17, 2024, 5:18pm
I have a trigger volume with the nodes I made in the level blueprints (pic) and when I drag target from Set Enable Gravity and search for FallingBall (BP I have for the item), nothing shows up…
What I’m trying to do is to have a series of balls start to fall on to the platform when the character enters the trigger box.
Thank you guys
you need a variable of type BP_FallingBall and then you can call SetEnableGravity on it
I do a similar thing in my own game:
September 17, 2024, 5:23pm
Select the item in the world and right click in level blueprint (not from target). It should shown in the beginning
September 17, 2024, 5:28pm
So, I did some tweaking and (somehow) got ball to show up, but now there’s another target?
I don’t understand why there’s Target: self as well, that’s what I’m trying to change in the first place
if Ball is a variable you should just be able to drag it onto the Event graph and “Get Ball”, it shouldn’t have a target attached to it