How can I enable collision on foliage?

I set collision of a rock that I used as foliage to BlockAll in the foliage instance settings, and in the static mesh collision settings. I used the rock that came as a prop with the starter content. But i still walk straight through the rock without any collision. How do I fix this and enable collision?

Is there a (simplified) collision on your rock mesh ?

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I managed to reproduce your problem. Everything you did is correct. Your mesh miss a collision mesh.

Just try the following:

  1. Find the mesh “SM_Rock” (if i read your question correct) in your content browser.
  2. Double click it to open it. You will see the rock mesh.
  3. On the upper toolbar click Collision button, it will show to check boxes. [Simple Collision, and Complex Collision]
  4. Check both of them. (Now you can see the collision mesh, if there is any…)
  5. Go to : Collision > Add any collision you would like (Caution: Convex collision is expensive) . You can start with capsule collision.
  6. Save.
  7. If you did the “Block All” in your foliage Collision Panel, you should be good to go.
  8. Your Pawn I guess has already a collision capsule, if your are using First or Third Person Template Project

Hope I helped.


This video shows everything