I set collision of a rock that I used as foliage to BlockAll in the foliage instance settings, and in the static mesh collision settings. I used the rock that came as a prop with the starter content. But i still walk straight through the rock without any collision. How do I fix this and enable collision?
Is there a (simplified) collision on your rock mesh ?
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I managed to reproduce your problem. Everything you did is correct. Your mesh miss a collision mesh.
Just try the following:
- Find the mesh “SM_Rock” (if i read your question correct) in your content browser.
- Double click it to open it. You will see the rock mesh.
- On the upper toolbar click Collision button, it will show to check boxes. [Simple Collision, and Complex Collision]
- Check both of them. (Now you can see the collision mesh, if there is any…)
- Go to : Collision > Add any collision you would like (Caution: Convex collision is expensive) . You can start with capsule collision.
- Save.
- If you did the “Block All” in your foliage Collision Panel, you should be good to go.
- Your Pawn I guess has already a collision capsule, if your are using First or Third Person Template Project
Hope I helped.