I’m currently working on a python code where I’m adding some components into a bp class, but i have to edit these components and I don’t know how to do this using python.
I’ve tried to edit by spawning the class into the world and edit in the spawned actor using the methods that are in the documentation but for some reason, some of them just don’t work(methods of the python API), so now I want to edit these components before the spawning to see if it works.
Right now, i’m adding the new components this way:
subsystem = unreal.get_engine_subsystem(unreal.SubobjectDataSubsystem)
root_data_handle = subsystem.k2_gather_subobject_data_for_blueprint(blueprint)[0]
components = [unreal.CapsuleComponent, unreal.SpringArmComponent, unreal.CineCameraComponent]
# Add CapsuleComponent
capsule_handle, fail_reason = subsystem.add_new_subobject(