How can I ease into real time mo-cap from ref. pose/idle animation in control rig instead of snapping?


The reason the snapping is occurring is from a solution to fixing another problem. It simply created a new one. A solution to either one is perfectly okay, and thank you for taking your time to look this over.

It should be an input agnostic problem, so not having experience with Ultraleap/Leap Motion shouldn’t stop from ya being able to help me and/or other people seeking solutions to manually mapping Leap Motion through LiveLink instead of their convenience methods. (Centered around floating AR/VR meshes instead of full body 3rd person perspective)

Original Problem: When not detecting the hand, Leap Motion would return 0/Null on the Frame Data. This will then put a 0 in all the axis for the Control, which in turn snaps the Bone, to 0,0,0 on Local and World Coordinates. They would hit the limits set for the controls, but that has horrible clipping issues. The smoothing options as you can see are being applied, so I’m very close but I don’t know how to tell Control Rig to ignore the input of 0,0,0 and then pay attention again if the number is above it (aka actually being tracked)
Video Link: 0,0,0 Coordinate Issue

New Problem: After creating a simple branch condition that if True (Hand Visible) then execute the set transforms/etc for that hand, it would then ignore smoothing nodes like Average Over Time despite me trying to place said nodes in various spots in the execute lines. So it snaps from reference pose to the tracked data and back when the Control Rig is no longer driving the Controls+IK in that moment.

Video Link: Snapping when Control Rig Driving is Off.
The Simple Branch Node Setup

This is the intended behavior I am looking to mimic in Unreal Engine, creating a way for me to puppeteer virtual characters for TTRPGs as a player or DM. Going from reference pose/idle to tracked input in a smooth transition instead of the problems above.
Video Link: Smoothing reference in another engine

Thank you for putting your peepers and possibly brain meat to this!

(Now to check how it looks posted since I don’t see a preview option, deleting this footnote right quick if good hehehe.)

(Oh blast, I’m a newbie, so editing my original post to remove the footnote causes the automation to deny the edit because I am not allowed to have more than two links in a post. Heheheheh.)