I have animated an object, animated it’s location, it is a water flower, and then I just want to make 10 copies of it and place them in different places. But after I copy it and move, it moves back to it’s default position where it was animated. Please let me know, how can I move an object with already animated location?
Thank you.
It sounds like you set a fixed value for the location in the construction script or begin play.
The solution that I have in mind is to change that fixed value location into an instance editable variable so that you can change the location value in the viewport however you want.
Hello 56Legion. Now I’ve removed all bluprints from the begin play which were related to the animation. So, there is no any bluprints. and still, when I copy an already animated object it’s animation as attached to the place where it was animated. And unfortunately I can’t move it anymore. Only what I can is changing of positions on all keyframes manually.
Are you using the sequencer to animate it? If you are using the level sequencer it will be using the world position offset. You won’t be able to copy and paste it to a different location because those keyframes are meant for a specific world location.
Another way that I have in mind is to use the local location. In UE5 you can use a local sequencer inside your respective blueprint by adding a sequencer actor component and animate from there. I believe you need to enable a plugin to do so.
Other than the sequencer my guess will be the material itself. If this is the case, you need to analyze and adjust the values inside the material.
Here is the documentation about the actor sequencer component. Let me know if it helps.