How can I draw out a Reality Capture model as a diagram for drawing a cross section in Autocad?

I am thinking of importing the building modeling data that I created using Reality Capture into Autocad and using it as a drawing for a cross section.
In Relity Capture, I can make a cut model with “Cut by box”, so I am thinking of exporting it as DXF, but is there a better way?

Hi there!

There is a couple of ways how you can do that.

In my previous profession, I preferred to work with point clouds rather than the 3D models from RC. I exported the point cloud from RC and created a simplified model in a BIM software. The software was then able to create floor plans and cross-sections from the model automatically.

Another way is to create an ortho projection in RealityCapture. Export the ortho projection to AutoCad and vectorized it there. This might be easier than making a BIM model. We have an FAQ article about ortho projections if you choose this way here.


Thanks Jakub, the method of using ortho projection was something I hadn’t thought of. It is a very helpful advice. I appreciate your help.

I apologize, but I forgot to mention a new tool we added recently with RC 1.2 Tarasque, the Cross Sections Tool.

I recorded a tutorial about the tool, and you can watch ithere.


Hey, I’ve been exporting RC cross sections as dxf but keep getting an error ‘invalid’ message when I try to import them into Autocad - it worked the first time but not again. The models are meshed, textured and reasonably large. It seems to work fine except for the final step. Any suggestions?

Hi Lesley, what were your export settings? Were you able to see the cross sections in RealityCapture? Did you have selected the right cross section before export? Has the created DXF file some size?

Hi, thanks for quick response. The settings were the standard provided for Cross Section DXF export, and I had the model they were created from selected. I can see the sections in RC, I have been able to export them to Autocad previously but now I can’t. I can however export them to QGIS as shapefile - I’m just can’t work QGIS well. The files are quite big. Previously when making Orthos before the sections, when it worked, I reduced the estimated pixel density down by 10%. Not sure if that is relevant

Can you please try to open this DXF in QGIS, if it is possible? Was the error showed like this:

Error in drawing header on line 1.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input – drawing discarded.
Press ENTER to continue:

I’ll try that tomorrow as not in office today. The autocad error message is definitely the last two lines you have above. 

OK, also, there are some solutions for this type of error:

It seems, like it was somehow corrupted during creating.

The dxf files open directly in QGIS no problem. The error continues to appear in Autocad with the message “Syntax error or premature end of file on line 225870.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input – drawing discarded.”

Suggesting the issue is either how RC is writing the dxf or Autocad is reading it. 

It seems, that there will be a problem with the ending of the file. There is something about this error:

Which version of RealityCapture are you using? 

The end of your file should look like this: