I am new to blueprints in unreal and I have spent a while trying and failing to get my ai working, I was just wondering if there is a simple way to create an ai that gets a point from a 360* radius and moves there- no navmesh or gravity- like a fish would swim
Thanks for anyone who has the time to help
for a dynamic system you would need a 3d pathing system. there isnt one built into the engine so you have to come up with your own or buy one. alternatively you could use a set location node and maybe a timeline or interp to just set the location. its not as elegant of of a solution but it would do the trick. this method also has its own limitations though as well.
Sorry for the delayed response
but thanks for the help I will look into this
I created a “simple” 3D flight system similar to what @ThompsonN13 mentioned. I used a collision volume to determine the world bounds and then randomly chose a point within the volume for spaceships to fly towards. Once they were within a certain distance of the target point, I would call a function to select a new point and then calculate the new vector direction from the current direction to the new point. Next I used those 2 vectors and did a linear interpolation between them to change flight direction. It works better than simply changing the location once the AI reaches the target so it feels more “smooth”. However, I was unable to get this to work as well as I would like, The linear interpolation really isn’t how true aircraft would change direction. You would need more of an “arc” path to the next point with a set turning radius. But for the basics, this would work.
Thanks for the help I’ll work on that