3 Boxes
Hi! very rockie question:
Let’s imagine for a moment, I have a collision box that should look like a Wall with the space for a door, so the user should colide in the wall side, but should allow the user to pass throught if he is in the middle.
What is the best approach to do this? Mesh Collision? Box Collision and substract a part of the box(if this is possible?)
Thanks in advice for any tip!
3 collision boxes or per-poly collision of original mesh.
In the static mesh editor (just double click the mesh to open it) you can setup custom collision, like adding collision brushes. Then you can simply select them and resize them as you want
I was trying to do this but seems to be the same, can you point me a good tutorial?
I find out the right solution.
Open static mesh, find this property and change it to “Use complex collision as simple”.
That did the trick, is the easiest way.
thats what I said - use per-poly collision of original mesh.
but it will work only while you mesh is kinda lowpoly. in case of some complex/highpoly model it can dramatically affect performance.
Hi, so you change that property of the static mesh, but do you put any collision after that? Do you use a box colision? Or you dont put any? I did what you said but static mesh doesnt have collsion