I just started playing with UE4 and i am trying to do run-time mesh edition based on boolean operations.
For instance, when the player hit a object with is gun, the object should be replaced by “object-SphereOfImpace”. SphereOfImpace being a spherical mesh. (Exemple of boolean operation on meshes: http://www.flipcode.com/archives/fig4.gif)
I plan on calling a external library to execute the boolean operation.
I don’t think liking to a library should be a issue:
I have already been able to generate run-time meshes using the following wiki entry:
Does anyone have any experience with boolean operations on meshes with UE4? Which library is the best suited for my needs (fast and easy even if inacurate)? Is calling a external library the way to go?
Edit: I changed the title to emphasize the boolean operation aspect of my question
My question was more about the boolean operation on the mesh, and which tools was more suited to do that. Do you have any experience with this kind of problem?
By the way, i’m seen you username in many post relevant to my work.
Found this two years old thread by looking to do the same.
Did you guys manage to static link some boolean mesh code library to Unreal?
For example Blender is using Carve library and its working pretty well.
Or do you know some similar functionality already imported to UE4?