I have a 3rd person videogame and I have some different skins for the character. Also I have a list with the differents skins in a widget. I want to display my main character above the widget in order to visualize how the skins should see in the character. I want something similar like this image:
The skins are in the left and when you click on them, the character material change to it skin.
But the problem is how to display the character above the widget and not below it.
If you are adding the widget to a character BP you could just move the widget “origin” to below your character capsule/mesh. If this widget is being added to the viewport and the character exists in a static position for like a menu screen or something then you just have to lay the widget out so that the bottom of the widget where this “skin menu” is will be below where the character is located. So you might make the “floor” where your character stands in the menu level slightly raised so that the “viewport” bottom is below the “floor”. If the character is a 2D image that is part of the widget (which it appears to be) then I am not sure what the issue is. Just move the “image” of the character to be above the “inventory” within the widget designer.
Sorry but I didn’t understand you. The character is a 3D model that i want to put on the widget (like the image link in the previous comment) and then i want to rotate this character in order to see it with the new skin in 360º (as if it were a fitting room).
The widget is added to the viewport and not in the character BP, but when I added it to the viewport the character it was placed behind it.
You can’t put a 3D model “on” a widget. A widget is 2D. You have a 3D environment, when you “add” a widget to the viewport, this is just a 2D “picture” that sits in front of the camera, it is not actually in the world. So if you want it to “appear” as if the character is in a certain spot on the widget you have to create your widget with a blank space where you want the character to be located and “design” the widget menu around that blank area.
You can use a Render Target. Make a nicely lit prison cell and put your character in there with a camera. The resulting camera projection is turned into a texture and can be then displayed in UMG via material. This can be done in real time. It’s not always pretty and not particularly performant.
Here’s an older example you might be able to adapt to your needs.
That’s interesting. Thanks a lot, I’m sorry but I changed my widget in order to do this in another way. Finally my widget is only half screen and the other half is the actor in real time. Anyway I will keep the link to use it on another occasion