How can I disable shadows when my level goes into night?

Hello guys, I’ve just started using UE4 blueprints.

I’ve watched some videos on creating the time of day, with moving sun, and I was successfully able to input that into my level. Now, my level consists of an island, and I have the moving sun rotation, but the problem lies with the shadows that still seem to appear on the terrain and building blocks and my models, even after the sun goes down past the horizon (on its rotation).

I have tried to remedy this by creating a large solid polygon on the bottom of all this where the edges of my terrain touch, but the shadows keep appearing. I’m planning to create an ocean on top of my large polygon later, but I need help either disabling the sun light from past the horizon, or finding out a way to disable those shadows from everything on my level when into the night.

Any ideas?

just a guess but most proberaly will work is to set your suns light to a movable :slight_smile: