How can i disable custom tooltip movements ?

Hi Everyone,

I’m experimenting with unreal build in tooltip system for our menus.
I’m using Widget > Behavior > tooltip widget binding in the editor.
Most of it works (create/destroy the widget, use special data struct to feed the tooltip, stay in viewport, etc…) BUT i can’t seem to get one thing right.

By default, moving the mouse over the “target Container” makes the tooltip to follow the cursor ! What i would like is for the tooltip to stay where it was instantiated.

I found SWidget::EnableToolTipForceField which seemed interesting but when enabledi don’t see any changes…

So my questions are :
1 : Does TooltipForceFiled could solve my issue ? If so, how should i set it up ?
2 : If not, any other way i could get to that behavior without creating my own tooltip system ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

In ToolTipWidget Bind, after creating your widget, just don’t connect it to the return node, and add it to viewport by yourself, then set position freely

Example here,
tooltip widget bind:

your custom widget: (don’t forget to set not hit-testable)

What i would like is for the tooltip
to stay where it was instantiated.

Would this be the location of the cursor or the location of the widget the tooltip displays over?