How can I destroy spawned particles like the first glass in this video Unreal Engine 3 - Apex PhysX Destruction - Presentation by MRGV - YouTube
I have a projectile blueprint that spawned three particles by three hit and I want after third hit destroy all three particles
How can I do that ?
(Matt Boatswain)
December 28, 2015, 9:11am
When you Spawn an Emitter you get a reference to its ParticleSystemComponent.
All you need to do to remove the Emitter once your finished with it, is to call DestroyComponent on the reference.
The same as if you were trying to destroy an Actor.
But I want do that before finishing spawned emitter
(Matt Boatswain)
December 31, 2015, 12:09am
Im not sure what you mean?
1 Like
(Matt Boatswain)
January 10, 2016, 4:37am
Did you manage to find a solution to your question?
After Spawning Particles add each of them to array of references, then register and count their hits, if count == 3 then for each per array, drag elements and destroy components
(Araz Studio)
November 19, 2023, 8:18am
what? bru who do you think i am? the inventer of UE?