How can i de-/activate a Camera in another Blueprint ?

Hello, I would like to know, how to activate a camera, which is in a seperate Blueprint of its own. I have already searched in this forum a lot and googled, but found no answer to this.
In the construction script I promoted “Target” to a Variable called “LobbyCamReferenceDummy” which is ofc a great mystery, why this is not giving me any compilation errors (1st Image). The compilation error is in the 2nd Image where I try to activate the Lobby camera by referncing the mysterious Variable to cast to my Lobby Camera Blueprint, so that the camera gets activated, ofc it is not working. How can i realise that ?

Here are my Pictures .

Thank you !

Edit :
I forgot to mention, the Variable “LobbyCamReference” is an editable Object-Type Variable inside the Parent Blueprint “ThirdPersonCharacter”


Edit 2 :

I changed the reference i used in the ThirdPersonCharacter Blueprint and the activation thingy.
Looks much better but still does not work at all.

Do you deactivate player camera?

Yes, and i got it running somehow now, but it is a hell of a blueprint.
if u are interested in my solution, here it is, but it was hard to make a screen of it :stuck_out_tongue:

The lightgreen and brown parts is, where i deactivate the other camera or activate it to switch back with my CurrentViewTarget.

I am sure, i can leave the cast part away without any problems, but this way I am sure, the camera and the springarm are de/-activated as needed.
Not sure, if that might affect the performance, if i deactivate a camera which I don’t need at the moment.


you shall use a BPI blueprint interface who will allow you to communicate different states of your camera and then share this information with your others blueprints .

Ditto what this guy said, but I will also describe you a different approach without having multiple cameras.

GolgothX01 provides an answer below. I provide another one with a different approach, experiment with them and choose the one that suits you.

An alternative way is detaching the active player camera and attaching it to the camera of the lobby camera actor.

Use a key input followed by a flipflop node to save some space. If you can’t figure it out on your own, I may post an example but it’s pretty easy. Just make sure to use the “snap to target” option rather than “keep relative offset”.

The Interface thing sounds good, but i have no clue how i would need to change everything then. I am using a 3rdPerson camera that smoothly changes it’s angle when u zoom in until it switches to the 1stPerson camera, which is bound to a socket in the Character skeleton (to see the character view moving and shaking a bit). There are 2 more cameras, one for the Minimap, and one always faces the character from the front, which is supposed to be the Lobby- /Deathcam. I am always using the closest active Camera inside the PlayerBlueprint, but for the Lobbycam i use the set ViewTargetwithBlend. Everything works fine now. All cameras follow the actor and adjust individually with lag, when the character turns, jumps, walks etc. But I am really interested in understanding the Interface stuff. I already use it for the characters pet, but it is only based on an example from a video tutorial, and I must admit, I am still not sure, how it works at all.

It’s fairly straightforward and easy to learn. There are very good tutorials on the Unreal Engine channel on YouTube about this.

Sadly, the interface videos in the Unreal Engine channel are outdated, if I trust the comments on them. I would really like to see your example u offered me above. Thx !