How can I create mouse right click event for an array of actors?

If I enable input for the actors, only the last actor of the array response to the right click.


Can you show your code?

Very hard to help with no coding?

Thank you,

I am making something like minesweeper. I spawn an array of buttons, and I want each button to respond to both left and right mouse click. I only find “Event Actor on Clicked”, but I can’t get right click through it. And I tried “Right Mouse Button” and “Left Mouse Button”, but I think there can only be one active actor to consume these events.

I think I can get the right click event in the player controller, and by calculating the mouse position, I can get to know which actor has been clicked. But I am wondering if there is any simpler solution.

I found “Get Hit Result Under Cursor”, I think this will be simpler.