How can I create height map using depth data in millimeters?

I am using the Neo Kinect plugin to get the raw depth data from my Kinect v2. I am processing this in a material asset to get the depth in millimeters but I am unsure where to go from here. I want to create a height map from this data that I will use to carve into a 3D Volume Texture to produce an interactive visualisation for use in a physical sandbox.

I have not worked with height maps before so am a bit lost on which direction to head in. I’d appreciate any guidance.

Here is where I am at within the material asset.


Perhaps I am going about this wrong. What I am ultimately trying to do is use these depth values to select a pixel of a volume texture like this where each layer of the texture is a different image. I then want to display this on my HUD, is it possible to achieve all of this within the material instead of trying to create a height map.

Hey @Gazza177

So, you want to:

  • Display the image of europe onto the sand
  • Display different parts of the different layers depending on your height data
  • Display the “carved” image back onto the sand via a projector?
    And for that you want a 3D counterpart to view the changes?

Here is one example where you can see the carved images from europe and one 3D model made from the height data with POM: (19.6 MB)

Another idea would be using a procedural mesh and offset the vertices with your heigt data.

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Thanks this is very helpful

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