How can I create collect items as required and show "Complete"

Hello guy, I am a beginner using UE4.
How can I create collect 10 items. If done, show word “Complete” with blueprint
I create in Thirdperson project.
Thanks you. T^T

That is a very simple question for a more complex topic. If you want to create an objective system there’s not an easy and quick answer. If you just want to do that functionality just for the collect 10 items, then it’s easy. You need to have an integer counter variable in your character. Everytime you pickup an item you add 1 to that variable while it’s less than 10. You then need to add an UMG widget with a text block that is going to be binded to the item count variable in the player. You also need to create another text block for the completed text. You then bind the visibility event and make it hidden while the item count is less than 10.

Thanks you T^T

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