How can i create an Asset after download all textures from Fab?

Hi, how i can create a Material from the 9 (nine) textures that ive downloaded from Fab, i know the BaseColor, AO (ambient Oclussion), Roughness, and Normal Map and Specular, but where i connect : Bump, Cavity, Displacement and Gloss?

Can help me with this simple Question?

You need to create a new material and drop these maps you got into the corresponding slots. I would go to YouTube and search for an Unreal Material Creation tutorial. It’s easy enough to do once you get used to it.

Yes i know, i ve search before, but i cannot find what types of Nodes are compatible with those types of textures.

Cavity, Bump, Gloss, Displacement

Thank You

Basically you should only need Base Color, Roughness, Normal, AO and maybe Metallic if it’s included and isn’t just flat 0 or 1. Other texture maps are for different pipelines like Spec-Gloss.

Infact I don’t think you should plug in the Specular texture because in the PBR rendering pipeline, the value is supposed to be 0.5 for a realistic look.

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