How can I create an array of objects within another object properly in Blueprints in Unreal Engine 5?

I’m encountering a particular issue. Let’s say we have a Car class and a Wheel class (both being separate classes as per my requirements). I associate wheels with cars, and in the editor, everything functions correctly; each car has the appropriate wheels, even with multiple cars. However, when I build the game, there’s an issue where CarA ends up with wheels from CarB, and vice versa.

Here’s how I initialize it: I gather all actors of the Car class and all actors of the Wheel class. Then, I iterate through each car in the array using a foreach loop. Inside this loop, I have another loop with four iterations (representing the number of wheels on a car). Within this nested loop, I add each wheel from the array of all wheels to the array of wheels for the current car. I increment the counter to ensure each set of wheels is assigned to the correct car (something like this: array of objects posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine ). As mentioned, this setup works flawlessly in the editor, but I encounter discrepancies when building the game.

Note: In my scenario, I’m not explicitly dealing with cars and wheels, but the issue is analogous to what I’ve described here. Additionally, the discrepancy between the build and the editor persists.