How can I create a volume that can return a height parameter - z

I am looking to create a volume that can judge the height I am in a game level. I am a sound designer and want to use this as an RTPC with Wwise to change the ambience - both through changing the audio mix, as well as going through a blend container that changes the sound of the wind. So when I get to the top of a building or mountain - the wind can be set up to be very loud and gusty.

Not sure which type of volume would be best suited to this - or how to set it up in Blueprints.

Thanks for any help in figuring this out.

I think you can use an [AudioVolume][1] actor whose settings you can modify based on its height in the world. One way to do that would be to create another actor placed in the level which references this AudioVolume actor, binds to its overlap event, and makes any necessary modifications based on its height. For example if you wanted to modify the InteriorVolume property you could do this:

If current height (AudioVolume’s Z) is 300 and MaxHeight is 600, then you would be setting the volume to 0.5

Not sure if this answers the specific thing you’re trying to do but hope this helps.

Please mark this as resolved if any of the given answers has been able to resolve your issue. Thanks

Thanks for this - I am having a problem though - as when I use an audio volume I can’t seem to get an option for on actor begin overlap for it when selected. You state I should create another actor which binds to the audio volume - what kind of actor do I add to make it work? Also when I try to add set interior settings it doesn’t give me the range of options - maybe this is due to not getting the on actor overlap option.