How can I create a main menu like Tappy Chicken?

Hi, there are a lot of similar questions but none are close to what i am interested in. Also thare are no tutorials or documents on this.

  1. I want to create main menu like Tappy Chicked has (simillar actualy). But i cant import anything from Tappy Chicken to start learning from it (no smoothing settings error when i import, no matter what i try, and i get black boxes after that). Anyone knows how to create main menu from ground to top? Or willing to do step by step? I did checked a lot of maps in content example and i did not learned anything.

  2. Should i make new level to be just for main menu? So pressing new game will load lets say “Level_1.umap” and i can create Load Game to load different levels (like loading different levels in Angry Birds). Its good approach or there is better?

  3. How did developers made camera in Tappy Chichen to be default in main menu when you start a game?

Thanks in advance

  1. Tappy Chicken uses actor based menu, they make actors tha acts like menu buttons and detect OnClicked event on it
  2. That depends on what kind of game you making, if level can be generated and you can fit everything in single level you use single level which has menu mode. If you already have levels separated or you plan to have them separated then yes you create special level just for main menu and set it as entry level of your project
  3. Tappy Chicken got everything in single level, as it’s generate level. The level blueprint they made starts the level by showing menu, the constract of that depends on what game you making and what kind of menu you want.
  1. “Actor based menu” explains a lot, so i learned something new, thank you.
  2. Level are not generated inside the blueprint, so different map just for mainMenu
    I have another question about 3. How to make camera default screen on level start (for main menu)? just like in Tappy Chicken. So that i can choose menu instead of moving character around

In player controller change view target to CameraActor on level, but make that in level blueprint

I dont know how to do that. And in tappy chicken i did check everything to see, their level blueprint is empty and i checked all their class blueprints and i couldnt find what you said. How to change view target to CameraActor?

The camera is in the menu BP, not in the level BP, and it’s and orthogonal camera (basically 2d camera for 3d enviroment).
So just put a camera actor in the menu BP facing the menu and set it to orthogonal. You’ll have to set the orthogonal width to make it fit the screen.