Hi, there are a lot of similar questions but none are close to what i am interested in. Also thare are no tutorials or documents on this.
I want to create main menu like Tappy Chicked has (simillar actualy). But i cant import anything from Tappy Chicken to start learning from it (no smoothing settings error when i import, no matter what i try, and i get black boxes after that). Anyone knows how to create main menu from ground to top? Or willing to do step by step? I did checked a lot of maps in content example and i did not learned anything.
Should i make new level to be just for main menu? So pressing new game will load lets say “Level_1.umap” and i can create Load Game to load different levels (like loading different levels in Angry Birds). Its good approach or there is better?
How did developers made camera in Tappy Chichen to be default in main menu when you start a game?
Thanks in advance